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Heart Valve Problems: Mitral Stenosis
Mitral stenosis means the mitral valve stiffens and doesn’t open right. Blood must move through a smaller opening. In severe cases, fluid can build up in the lungs, leading to coughing and breathing problems. Problems with the mitral valve can also cause a fast or irregular heartbeat (palpitations). Over time, mitral stenosis may slowly get worse.
Possible Causes
Most cases of mitral stenosis are caused by rheumatic fever, which can lead to an inflammation that damages the heart valves. Though pregnancy doesn’t cause mitral stenosis, a woman may first develop symptoms of mitral stenosis during pregnancy. This is because the amount of blood her heart has to move has increased.
Mitral stenosis is often first diagnosed in women when they become pregnant.
Open mitral valve with stenosis (viewed from above).
Treating Mitral Stenosis
If there are no symptoms, treatment usually isn’t needed. If symptoms occur, your doctor may prescribe medications to help ease them. If the stenosis is severe, surgery can be done to repair or replace the valve.