Welcome to the medical library of Hartford Cardiology Group. The information shared below is provided to you as an educational and informational source only and is not intended to replace a medical examination or consultation, or medical advice given to you by a physician or medical professional.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any condition or treatment, please contact Hartford Cardiology Group. To schedule an appointment please call (860-547-1489) or info@hartfordcardiology.com.
How to Judge Size of Servings
Some foods are weighed in ounces. Some are measured in spoons or cups. Others, like fruits, are based on an average, or medium, size. Below are some serving sizes and tips to help you judge just what 1 serving looks like.
- A serving of meat, poultry, or fish is 2 to 3 ounces.
- A serving of natural cheese is 11/2 ounces. A serving of processed cheese is 2 ounces.
1 ounce of cheese is about the size of a domino.
3 ounces is about the size and thickness of a deck of cards.
A Medium-Sized Piece
- A serving of fresh, whole fruit is 1 medium-sized piece.
- A serving of melon is one 2-inch slice.
A medium-sized fruit is about the size of a small fist.
A 2-inch slice of melon is about the width of 3 fingers.
Tablespoons and Teaspoons
- A serving of peanut butter is 2 tablespoons.
- A serving of salad dressing is 1 tablespoon.
- A serving of fat, oil, or sugar is 1 teaspoon.
A teaspoon is about the size of a penny.
A tablespoon is about the size of a quarter.
2 tablespoons is about the size of a walnut.
- A serving of these foods is 1/2 cup: cooked cereal, rice, dried beans, or pasta; cooked or chopped raw vegetables; chopped, cooked, or canned fruit.
- A serving of vegetable or fruit juice is 3/4 cup.
- A serving of these foods is 1 cup: raw, leafy vegetables, berries, milk, or yogurt.
- A serving of ready-to-eat cereal is 1/2 cup, 3/4 cup, or 1 cup. The “Nutrition Facts” label tells you just how much 1 serving is.
1 cup is about the size of an 8-ounce carton of yogurt.
1/2 cup is about the size of an ice cream scoop.
3/4 cup is the size of a standard styrofoam cup.